IPL Skin Rejuvenation

IPL Skin Rejuvenation, Vascular and Pigmented Lesion Treatment

Sharplight's non-invasive rejuventaion solutions have the power to eliminate the signs of aging and restore a fresh,glowing and youthful look to your skin. IPL  Skin Rejuvenation treatments done every 4 weeks in a series of 6 will greatly improve reduction of wrinkles, pigmentation, superficial broken capillaries on the face as well as tighten skin and make you look and feel youthful.

What is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)?

Pulsed light systems use hand-held flash lamps that emit gentle pulses of light which are absorbed in the skin.  By using different hand pieces with different spectrum of light Sharplight IPL is able to treat different skin lesions with excellent results. Such as Hair removal, superficial capillaries,skin pigmentation as well as stimulates the growth of collagen helping to tighten the skin and giving a fresher more youthful appearance to the skin.  Although you will notice a difference in your skin after one treatment a minimum of 3 treatments is recommend, with 6 treatments being optimal for maximum results.

Skin Rejuvenation
Full Face225
Neck Renew129
Chest Renew225
Shoulders Renew149
Hands Renew99
Arms Renew198

Vascular & Pigmented Lesion Rejuvenation 
Rosacea Cheek/Nose225
Rosacea Full Face225
Single Vascular Lesion125
Single Spot Treatment Hands &Body 69
Single Spot Treatment Face75