May 3, 2016

May 2016

One of the reason I love this photo is because it reminds me of my mother. She had some "old fashion ways" for her time and one of them was hanging laundry to dry on the clothesline outside. To this day I enjoy hanging clothes outside the "old fashion way" as well. I often hear my husband in the background saying just throw them in the dryer, but there is something special about hanging clothes outside; of course the fresh air smell on your clothes is one of the best benefits, but I think there is something ritual about it as well, knowing that my mother did it and her mother did and so on.  It almost feels like an art, sadly,one that is being lost. It give me a sense of "down home" peace when I see the clothes blowing in the breeze with sweet reminders of my mother in those by gone days. While we can't recreate the past the pleasant smell of freshly laundered sheets brought in from outside certainly comes close!

Let's celebrate all mothers, past, present and future

May Facial 
Quannessence Plus Facial
This facial was so popular last month that it will be come a regular at Skin Deep Aesthetics, but this month you can combine a micordermabrassion or Hydrafacial to the Quannessence facial for an advanced boost. 
This facial will begin with a cleansing, followed by Sage Lime scrub, followed by multi fruit peel cleanser, then I will add in your choice of facial treatment exfoliant. After this extraction if necessary, massage, eye treatment, and serums for your skin type, hydrating mask and healing water. If you haven't tried this facial yet, you are in for a real treat. It is a beautiful combination of clinical and relaxing and give amazing results to your skin, making it smoother, pure and youthful! 
Reg 150 Now 135

 If you love the O WOW! Brush and are thinking it would make a great gift be sure to take advantage of this super special. Receive 20% off of your choice Jane Iredale mineral bases, this includes, pressed, loose, liquid and BB minerals, with each O WOW! Brush you purchase in the month of May. 

Dermaplaning is a service to exfoliate and remove unwanted light fluffy facial hair using a scalpel. I know it sounds scary, but it is very safe.  It is a wonderful alternative to facial waxing in that it is not painful and generally causes very little irritation to the skin. The hair grow back just as soft and light as when you started the service and many clients feel the hair does not grow back as fast as when they waxed. This service also includes the upper lip, pain free!  Once you have the service you will notice that your skin care products work better and that your make-up looks very polished! 
Service requires 1/2 hr and cost 50.00

Ascenta Skin- has you covered. 
Did you know that it is just as important to take Ascenta skin in the summer as it is in the winter month? 
Ascenta Skin Founder & Formulator Marc St. Onge says, "Ascenta Skin boosts UV protection throughout the whole body, compared to topical sunscreens which only protect the skin where it is applied and the results are tremendous."

Skin is under constant stress from UV exposure and during summer months the effect is amplified. UV rays generate free radicals, which break down collagen, accelerate skin aging, damage DNA, cause sun spots, and promote the release of pro-inflammatory mediators, which trigger the production of inflammatory skin diseases. Free radicals and inflammation can also play a role in allergic skin reactions resulting in even more redness and irritation.

Ascenta Skin works to enhance the body's natural defenses against UV radiation with 6 powerful active ingredients: EPA and DHA sourced from fish oil, GLA from borage seeds, zeaxanthin sourced from paprika, lutein sourced from marigold, along with 1000iu of vitamin D3.  This synergistic blend of active ingredients increase the skin's resilience to UV induced redness, reduces burning, and contains powerful antioxidants to fight free radical damage.

When coupled with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB sunscreen and UPF clothing, using Ascenta Skin will help you achieve optimal skin health and enable you to enjoy the summer by minimizing the skin damaging and aging effects of the sun. 

Ascenta Skin Reg 80 Now 60 
(while supplies last)

Still in need of a few more IPL treatments?
 May is a great month to touch up those pesty brown spots and or broken capillaries on the face before the weather gets too hot. 
Skin Rejuvenation 50
Full Face Spot treatment 50

Recipe of the month
From H&H magazine


 4 large carrots
4 large seedless navel oranges
juice of 1  small -medium size lemon
1 generous Tbsp good quality local honey
1/4 c red onion, thinly sliced
1/2c fresh mint leaves
1/4c pine nuts, lightly toasted in a dry pan
sea salt to taste
pinch of chili flakes

Peel carrots and discard peel, Using the same carrot peeler make ribbons out of each carrot, peeling away until you get down to the woody core. Save core for another day. You could juice them, add them to a smoothie or a salad the next day. 

Cut tops and bottoms from oranges, slice off peel, cut sections of oranges out from between the membranes.

In a serving bowl, mix lemon juice with honey. Add carrot ribbons, orange sections and red onion. Gently toss with lemon honey dressing. Tear up mint leaves and toss into salad. Scatter toasted pine nuts over top and sprinkle with salt and chili flakes. then toss once more before serving.  

Quote of the month

We make a living by what we get
We make a life by what we give
- Winston Chruchill