I love my brows! Each time I look in the mirror I notice immediately that my eyes look more" awakened" lifted. It even makes putting on make-up more fun!
Shannon Gavin

Barb. H


Deanna always does a wonderful job. I appreciate the fact that during the facial she brought a small mole on my nose to my attention so I seek medical attention.

No problems with my skin since my facial, I did notice a few blemishes this morning though (but I'm sure that's just normal not a result of the facial). Like you said, my skin looks nice and bright...I'm loving it!!
Thanks for asking,


I'm very happy with these products.
-Wendy, 46

Sitting at dinner with some acquaintances, and someone takes notice of the beautiful complexion of the young waitress, “Wow, she has such beautiful smooth, clear skin…like yours.” Like mine?? I certainly had never thought of myself as having the type of skin that stood out or certainly a great complexion. Years of neglect ~ sun tanning, heavy make-up from the 80’s, inconsistent skin care regimes ~ did take a toll on my skin. However, when I was approaching 40, I decided I would embrace aging gracefully by paying attention to the most visible organ – my skin!
I began with regular facials and peels from Deanna at Skin Deep, and a consistent skin care routine at home using great products. The individualized attention and service I received from Deanna was paying off beyond what I thought was possible and reaping noticeable results! I no longer felt I had to wear foundation on most days, and when I did, I glowed... just a bit of eye makeup and out the door.
Deanna’s knowledge and expertise on state of the art skin care, services and techniques, her attention to detail as well as her commitment to quality and environmental products is second to none…I know I’m getting the best service Halifax has to offer, with a personal touch! And of course, to top it all off, and to frame my “new” face, are the best eyebrows ever.
Thank you Deanna!
-Natali D.

My skin feels great! much better than it felt just a few days ago... thanks! And I love my eyebrows. They've never looked so good!
-R. Irving

Thanks to Deanna at Skin Deep Esthetics and the use of her skin care my skin feel 10 years younger. My Husband would testify to that. He tells me over and over again how soft my face is and also that I look younger for my age.
The texture of my skin feels much better. Lines around my eyes especially, are more refined. I feel so much better about myself and my skin. I have always been very self conscious about my skin and now I don't dwell on it as much as I use to. Thanks again to Deanna who I am truly grateful for every day. I owe her many times over for suggesting such great products and treatments for my face.
F. Smith

I just had to take a minute to say thank you! Well I asked you for help to deal with my complexion and did you come through for me. After only three facial treatments and using the recommended skin care products, the difference in my fine lines, acne, blackheads, dryness, and clogged pores has resulted in a younger and smoother complexion that I haven't experienced in years. I can even feel it and as you know I've been recovering from a long term illness, however, suddenly my friends and colleagues find "I'm looking so much better" just in the last few months. I have been feeling a lot better on the inside; it just wasn't being reflected on the outside and required some assistance to correct the damage done from the illness and medications.
I've been a customer for a long time and have developed a friendship over the years that provides for an additional element of trust and respect for your knowledge of the service and products you provide to your customers. So when you suggested the treatments and although I was still struggling to get back on my feet financially from being unable to work for 10 months, I knew it was what I needed and deserved, and I wouldn't be disappointed. I've reached an age (40) where after working for a long time and raising two kids, I need some pampering and it is something I look forward to each appointment as well as just using the product itself at home. I feel so refreshed and good.
Thanks you so much for taking on this new process and treatment system. My face is forever grateful and looks forward to the next one to see how much more improvement I and others will see. I think I would have been a really good before and after shot. Turning 40 has been great!
Your ever grateful customer,
Gena Leger

I began using the Janson Beckett line of skin care a few months ago. I have been amazed this winter at how well my skin is still looking, especially after the sub-zero weather we have been having. For the first time in a long time I haven’t aged 20 years over the winter!
-Becky S.