May 31, 2012

June 2012

As the weather gets warmer and our lives become busy wouldn't it be nice to looked fantastic without a lot of fuss. Skin Deep has some suggestions to keep you looking great with minimal effort. Read on to learn more.

With the warmer weather, being outside is a must, to avoid unattractive mascara smudges check out Kiss Me Mascara. This product will tube your lashes keeping them healthy and does not smudge on your skin and the best part it cleans off easily with water!  For those who love to be in the water , Celebrity Lash Extensions are for you. Just think, you can swim and do other out door activities and your lashes will look lush and beautiful, no need to apply mascara! Use Jane Iredale loose minerals to give colour and protection to your skin. Can be reapplied simply and no messy creams.Comes in a body formula with an SPF 30 and offers no harmful ingredients. You can even use it on a new born baby!

Celebrity Lash Extensions: The lash extensions have turned out to be a big hit. The May special will be extended to June the 30th. Book Celebrity Lash Extensions and save. Reg 150 Now 100

Facial Special: Clarifying rejuvenating facial.  
Prep your skin for the warmer weather. Having treatment facial helps to rid the skin of impurities helping to prevent breakouts, while rejuvenating the skin at the same time. This facial combines  a light peel to purify plus Dermapod Kinelift or Hydrafacial treatment. These treatments help to strengthen the deeper tissue of the skin helping to prevent hyperpigmentation (brown spots) broken capillaries and premature aging. Very important at this time of year when our skin has more exposure to the sun.   Book a clarifying rejuvenating facial treatment and save. Reg 170 Now 135 Add on eye treatment: Reg 25 Now 20

OOPs! I recently came across a box of Skin Care Products that must have gotten misplaced in the move to the new salon. The product are two years old and have a three year shelf life. I will offer what is in the box at a 50% discount of original price. Janson Beckett; Deraml Excel 7, Skin Prep, Vitamin C serum, Alphaderma CE and sample packs.